Former New Zealand sports star charged with posting ‘nude images’ online without consent

A former New Zealand representative sports star has been charged with posting “nude images” of a woman online without her consent.

According to court documents, the man faces four charges of posting “an intimate visual recording” two of which are representative.

They relate to a period between 25 May and 8 June.

He appeared in New Plymouth District Court, where he entered no plea, on Thursday.

Two charges allege the man had been reckless to whether the victim had consented or not, while the remaining two allege the postings were made knowing the woman had not consented.

Under the Harmful Digital Communications Act, the charges carry a maximum jail sentence of two years or a fine of up to $50,000.

The former sports star was granted interim name suppression and was remanded at large and ordered to reappear on 1 August.

According to the news on Radio New Zealand

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