Niue Parliament passes constitutional amendments on first reading

Four amendments to Niue’s constitution have passed their first readings.

The proposals under the amendment bills include increasing the number of members of Cabinet from four to six and expanding the term of the Assembly from three to four years.

Another planned amendment is changing the title of the head of government from “premier” to “prime minister”.

Broadcasting Corporation of Niue (BCN) reports the four bills were referred to the Constitution Review Committee to tidy up some of the language.

The proposed constitutional amendments also include the extending of the term of the Niue Assembly from three years to four years and the final amendment is in relating to a change in the name of the audit office of New Zealand.

“Premier Dalton Tagelagi initially asked the Fono to proceed to the second reading of the bills but the Fono Ekepule referred the Bills to the Constitution Review Committee,” according to BCN’s report.

BCN reports the chair of the Constitution Review Committee Billy Talagi spoke in support of the proposed amendments.

Speaking in Vagahau Niue, he said “the purpose and the objective of the Constitution Review Committee is to ensure that the public is widely engaged in the process of amending the constitution”, the public broadcaster reported.

The amendments will return to the Fono Ekepule for a second reading before a public referendum, and then the third and final reading.

According to the news on Radio New Zealand

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