Russia bans another 36 New Zealanders from entering borders

Russia has banned a further 36 New Zealanders from entering its borders.

Among them are journalists, scholars, defence personnel and public servants, as well as a number of mayors; Tory Whanau in Wellington, Kirsten Wise in Napier, Paula Southgate in Hamilton, Nick Smith in Nelson and Neil Holden in Palmerston North.

In a statement, the Russian foreign ministry said it was in response to the sanctions New Zealand had placed on Russia, and entry for these people should be “closed in perpetuity”.

“Considering that Wellington does not intend to renounce its anti-Russia policy and continues to approve new sanctions, the work to update the Russian stop list will be continued,” it said.

This was the fourth list of its kind, bringing the total number of banned individuals to 229.

The first list, released in April 2022, included all 120 members of the Parliament of the day, and Governor-General Cindy Kiro.

Further lists included senior executives at RNZ, Stuff and NZME, and the partner of then-prime minister Jacinda Ardern, Clarke Gayford.

According to the news on Radio New Zealand

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