Samoa plane crash: Pilot reportedly dead

A search and rescue operation is underway in the Samoa industrial area of Vaitele, outside of the capital Apia, following a plane crash off the coast.

Police have confirmed that the aircraft involved was a motor glider.

There are also reports that the pilot’s body was pulled out of the crash around 3pm local time.

As the sun sets, authorities are still trying to recover the aircraft.

RNZ Pacific correspondent Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia, whose at the scene, said one passenger was found dead and the body has been taken to the hospital.

“The information about who the plane belongs to, that’s information that’s yet to be known, and local media are waiting for someone to update them.”

Autagavaia the aircraft, which he believes is not a twin-otter, is a small aircraft, but he’s yet to know whether it’s a passenger [commercial] aircraft or a private aircraft.

He said the police and rescue team are on a barge out at the crash site, and he said an excavator machine on the barge is trying to dig up any remains of the aircraft.

Police have confirmed that the aircraft involved was a motor glider.

According to the news on Radio New Zealand

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